May Day

On May 1st, 2017, I will conclude a 15-year business relationship in Nashville creating an opportunity to scribe a new chapter into my saga as I continue to explore the existential art of living.

As to the ever-vexing and often-times frightening question of “What’s Next”?

The compass is pointed west and I hope you will join me as I hike, bike, paddle, saddle, cave, rave, slide and glide across North America in a meandering search of extraordinary people and exhilarating experience!

The exploits of this open-ended journey will be documented through writing, photography, videography and music and I would like to share with you through social media and the web.

But don’t watch Reality T.V…  BE reality T.V.!   Any of my fellow wander-lusting adventurers who would like participate in the many experiences that will be afforded are invited to join me on a leg of the journey and become part of the story!  Accommodating amenities will be available so watch for my upcoming itinerary.  If there is a trail, river or mountain you’ve always wanted to conquer along the route, then let’s coordinate some logistics and make that happen!


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