Ouray, Colorado
Ouray, Colorado
I secured a quite spot on the outskirts of Ouray, Colorado on my way to Grand Mesa and found it to be a hip place. Young and vibrant people wandered around shopping while others were eating out on patios of little mom and pops eateries along the main thoroughfare nestled between some looming peaks. It was post-card picturesque mining town with a great vibe and after grabbing a bite to eat, I spy an undeniable cascade spouting out the rocks on a distant cliff-face to the East. I made my way to the trailhead following the billowing mist. After hiking the short way to the base and snapping a couple of shots, I noticed a map indicating that the upper cascades could be reached by trail. I judged the distance to be around eight hundred feet in elevation and the trail should wrap around about a half mile and the view should be nice. I ended up paying a steep price for a minor oversight or two but I did make it to the upper cascades. Water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink. I didn’t really think I would need any water until 7 miles and twenty-one hundred feet of elevation gain and then loss. While it was worth it at the time, I was floored for the next two days from dehydration and not quite one hundred percent again for over a week. Hydration is no joke. Forced hydration in these conditions where it is cool and crisp out. The resulting consequence was missing out on Mesa Verde. I have readjusted the route to accommodate that park after the Grand Canyon, in October or November. I had an incoming guest from Nashville, Tennessee and had to beat feet to Grand Junction to meet her at the airport and begin preparations for exploration in Utah.
Ruck on…